Like many couples who planned on getting married in the spring of 2020, Sam + Bryan had to postpone their wedding due to Covid-19. But the couple really loved their original wedding date: May 15, 2020 (5/15/20 – 5+15=20) and decided to get legally married on the original date with just their family – a mirco wedding celebration in Hoboken.
They chose Pier A in Hoboken for the ceremony with great views of NYC. The couple met at a local bar in Hoboken and only recently moved out of town. Sam’s dad officiated the ceremony and my favorite part was after they were pronounced, everyone on the pier who could see the ceremony cheered for the couple. After a few socially distanced group photos, the couple danced their first dance together. I know this celebration wasn’t the original plan for Sam + Bryan, but they still found a way to make it sweet and meaningful and were able to get legally married.